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Brief Summary | I have been working in the design field since 2004. While in college I completed freelance work for area businesses and individuals. I currently work with a group of clients on design solutions.

Degree: Business
Major: Computer Graphics

Volunteer Work I
Coral Propagation
| I dedicate my free time to coral propagation and I instruct reef aquarists on several coral fragmentation methods which reduces the destruction being done to the coral reefs by acts of careless coral farming practices.

Volunteer Work II
Cancer Research |
I have recently spoke with the director of a popular research foundation. I grow certain species of soft corals for donation toward cancer research. After the corals are propagated and have a growth increase they are shipped to an aquaculture foundation. They
are then transferred to cancer research facilities & universities.

Volunteer Work III
Youth Support
| Positive/support for teens at a recovery center. I answered questions relating to individual issues. I also addressed concerns that dealt with preer pressure and gave advice on how to react in those situations.